Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Photographer test renders

Took another look over the character model I started a few months ago but abandoned when it was not working. I'm very happy with how I managed to get the overall shape looking, now it's just to get some decent props* going and fuss around with the hair before texturing.

*She's going to be essentially a nature photographer, or at least that's what I have in mind. So I figure a nice camera and harness along with some bags for equipment. Gonna throw something on the arms as well. They're looking a little bare.

I'm going to have another demo reel whipped up by the end of this week.  As of now I don't think that this here lass will be on it but we'll see, It won't be in a finished and textured state if it is though.

Done in Autodesk Maya.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

New Character Turn Table

Finished character turn table. Still have to do a bit more texturing work and make the hair cards more... working but I'm fairly satisfied with how this girl turned out. 

Hopefully I'll be able to rig it and then render a Turntable in a pose so I can cut together a new reel before the holidays.

I think she needs a name, don't you?

Done in Autodesk Maya, Photoshop and Zbrush

Monday, 26 August 2013

I present Jon Pinkerton in all of his glory!

Fully modeled/textured character by the name of Jon Pinkerton. He's a welder, IN SPACE!

Friday, 26 July 2013

New Character Model update:

Been working on this new character model for the past few weeks. I've done a bit more modelling past this since I snipped the image and have begun texturing him. I don't think he's turning out half bad eh?

Friday, 7 June 2013

Render Previews

Some of my latest test renders for two of my final assignments.

My Ranger character aside from lighting is finally in a state of what I would call being "complete" after weeks of revisions from my instructors and peers I think it turned out splendidly. Aside from the mentioned lighting everything here (Model,Rig,Texture) should be an accurate reflection of what he will look like on my upcoming reel.

The El Camino is still a work in progress texture wise but he's coming along nicely.

Made using: Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop, and Z-Brush.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Character Model/Texture/Rig

The character I've been working on for the last while is finally fully modeled and rigged. The Specular map and the shader needs some work and possibly bump mapping (Might just go with a normal map made from the High-res sculpt) but the diffuse alone is working quite well if you ask me. Blend shapes will come at a later date hopefully but as of now I can finally get to some cycled animation with him.

Done in: Autodesk Maya, Z-Brush, and Adobe Photoshop.

All assets.... MINE!

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Facial texture WIP

Working On Texturing my character model's head. He's kind of looking burn victimy and while I'm satisfied with all the modeling sans the ears I think I could have done better modeling him. Still, it's getting there. Just taking a lot longer to do decently than I thought it would.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Character Model

Finished and rigged character model I’ve been working on all semester. Still needs driven keys in the hands and the skin weighting could use some work but he’s not bad. Texturing will come next semester.
Done mostly in Autodesk Maya 2013, with the head being made in the latest version of Z-Brush.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Noticed I hve not updated my blog with my most recent playblasts and test renders. In Order: Lip Synch WIP, Robot Idle WIP, Character Model Test Turn table, Test Run cycle, Test walk.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Mass Effect Z-Sculpt Bust

Still working on it! I think I'm going to settle for a bust at the end of the day. The torso is a very rough sculpt with an even rougher texture painted on but I'm still figuring things out with it.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Friday, 1 February 2013

I’m still at it folks. Still not quite right but I reckon I’m getting there eh? And it’s already looking a lot more Thane like with some eyes.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Z-Brush Sculpt Update.

Decided to continue working on the previous Drell/Thane Krios head I sculpted in Z-Brush. It's still not there yet but I figure if I work another while on it I could get it usable for my final Assignment once I re-topo it.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Z-Brush Sculpt

1 hour quick Sculpt of a Drell from BioWare's Mass Effect video game series. 

Hoping to do an entire bust of Thane for my Z-Brush final but I'm still experimenting with managing to get the basic shape and design of many of ME's alien races first.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Another 1 hour Z-Sculpt

Again, of an Asari from Bioware's Mass Effect series. This time I specifically went for Samara's likeness, don't think I nailed it but for only two weeks of Z-Brush I'm not doing too poorly eh?