Monday, 28 January 2013

Z-Brush Sculpt Update.

Decided to continue working on the previous Drell/Thane Krios head I sculpted in Z-Brush. It's still not there yet but I figure if I work another while on it I could get it usable for my final Assignment once I re-topo it.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Z-Brush Sculpt

1 hour quick Sculpt of a Drell from BioWare's Mass Effect video game series. 

Hoping to do an entire bust of Thane for my Z-Brush final but I'm still experimenting with managing to get the basic shape and design of many of ME's alien races first.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Another 1 hour Z-Sculpt

Again, of an Asari from Bioware's Mass Effect series. This time I specifically went for Samara's likeness, don't think I nailed it but for only two weeks of Z-Brush I'm not doing too poorly eh?